“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Washington DC

Hey y'all!!!

Just got back from a weekend away in Washington DC with my friend Ashley, Amanda and Claire. It was amazing!!!! We spent the weekend in a hotel with Ashley's mum as she was down for parents weekend as Lindsey, Ashley's sister, goes to Georgetown university.

The Pileika's have to be the coolest people ever. We had such a great weekend!!

We went to Hooters in Virginia before arriving in DC... the ultimate american experience. Girls in booty pants and tight tops and dirty old men sitting staring at them. We got some wings and tshirts and left with a few photos haha.

On the Saturday we started the day at brunch with unlimited champagne and mimosas before going and visiting all the touristy things. I've put photos on my facebook if you want to check them out - they've been put out of order though but you get the general idea.

We went to the whitehouse, the washington memorial, the WWII memorial, the Lincoln memorial and the new Martin Luther King memorial which was being dedicated that day. It was such a beautiful weekend in DC - the sun was shining and of course the alcohol helped a little bit. DC is such a pretty city - especially Georgetown where we were staying.

That night we went out for mexican and then out to a few bars! There were dogs in the clubs! So random. Ashley's mum came out with us - she got hit on more than we did. The most hilarious night of my life. Finished the day off with a slice of pizza about the size of me!

On Sunday we went out for brunch again to this cute french restaurant. It was the best food I've had in America so far, and the cappaccino's were huge! Afterwards we went and visited Ashley's sister at Georgetown university. It only has 6000 people and has a big castle bit that looks a little like Otago. Got myself a sweet Georgetown sweatshirt - not too sure if I should wear it around UNC campus though.

We were going to go to the Holocaust museum but ran out of time as we had to get back to Chapel Hill. Went to KFC in some random town that we didn't know on the way home and the woman was amazed that we were travelling around by ourselves.. kinda felt like we were in a horror movie. KFC is the most disgusting thing ever. And they don't sell hot chips. Crawled back into the car and sang Westlife all the way home - to me, Ashley and Claire's delight and Amanda's disgust haha. Jessie you would be proud.

Tonight (18th Oct) we went to the North Carolina state fair in Raleigh. Amanda successfully drove Brad's truck out there in the pouring rain! The fair was insane. We had deep fried snickers bar, deep fried krispy kreme donut burger, deep fried cheeseburger, a massive turkey leg, deep fried oreos and chilli cheese fries. We also checked out the freakshow.. "spider girl" and the world's smallest woman. It was a bit sad. The spider girl was just creepy and it was totally just a mirror. They also had rides and games. I won a polar bear that has penguin feet... because this guy couldn't guess my birthday month within two months.

Off to Miami tomorrow! Can't wait for some sunshine and lying on the beach!! Hopefully the weather agrees. We are there for 5 days. First I have to get through a presentation to my linguistics class! Very nervous. They are all very intelligent. Thank god I'm pass/fail.

Lots of love


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