I decided to go on exchange on a whim, I've always wanted to do it but never had the guts to actually go and sign up. I think I was having a shitty day at home when I decided to walk into the office and just sign myself up. I chose North Carolina purely based on how pretty it looked in photos - I had never heard anything about the school nor knew exactly where North Carolina was in the States but one review from a student caught my attention when they said it was your typical 'all-american college experience'.
Boy, were they right. I can't say I'm going to miss the stench of the Frat houses but I sure will miss the school spirit and everyone that I have met throughout my time here. I expected that I would have made more American friends here, but I guess that's what you get when you live on an international floor. I can't imagine a better group of people than the ones I've met! You are all amazing people with wonderful lives ahead of you. My time on exchange has taught me to take every opportunity with two hands and an open mind won't go astray. This has been the best experience of my life and I absolutely have no regrets.
I truly can't believe how fast the time is going, it feels like only yesterday Knic and I were wandering down the streets of Dunedin going to the travel agent to book our tickets to America. It was only a couple of weeks ago we were running through Times Square in New York trying to find the theatre Billy Elliot was in so we could make it on time and now look - I am about to head around the world to get home!
My favourite city that I have visited so far would have to be Washington D.C. I don't know why, I just really, really like it. I've seen so much of America but there are so many more places I want to visit! I just don't have enough time (or money..) so Americans, never fear, I will be back at some stage to continue my journey throughout the remaining states. It's a promise.
Amanda Lidis, you deserve special mention for being the best room mate I could have ever asked for. I don't think I would have enjoyed myself as much if we weren't besties right from the beginning. At least you are only "across the ditch" and I have a reason to visit Australia now, but it's going to be super hard trying to fall asleep without our late night talks. Words escape me as to how thankful I truly am for your friendship! (And your wise words in times of need hahaha). Can't wait to tell all at your 22nd :) ;)
Knicole, wow. How were we not closer at school and uni?? I love that everyone thinks we're sisters when we go travelling by ourselves together and you are so super amazing. I have had the best time, and I'm glad you have shared it with me!!! I'm sad that someone else will have to hold your hand on the plane home - I hope you are not too scared! I will be in the big airports all by myself haha. I love that you are not afraid to be yourself and homygaaawwwdddd I am so proud of you being all grown up and getting a job in Australia - even if it means leaving me in NZ. Guess I'll just have to come visit you monthly!! I'm really going to miss you Knic.
Camille - you're a babe. SUCH a babe. I have no words because all I want to do is just hug you and scream drunken things that don't make sense. Skype me daily please? Oh my god, seriously move to NZ. Probably with some rice wafers, that would be nice. Ok but seriously, you are beautiful and amazing and smart - so smart I think you should find a time travelling device so we can actually figure out what we get up to on the town?? This is not good-bye.
Ashley Pileika - you have welcomed me into America and your home with open arms. I could not have asked for a better "friendor" as you have gone well out of your way to make me feel comfortable in your country. You are amazing. Your plans for life are incredible and I hope you achieve every single one of your goals - I will push you otherwise, push you until you can't be pushed no more!! Please come back to New Zealand, I can't believe we didn't meet in Dunedin!!! Louis and I will need an actual American to celebrate Thanksgiving with next year, it just won't be the same without you.
Tal, Claire, Simone, Virginia, Julia, Phil, Aidan and Louise you aren't getting any mention because I am seeing you in Europe and we are going to have exciting times, not sad goodbye times!! :)
To my floor at Granville Towers East - wow you guys are a crazy bunch.
Eryk, I just love everything about you,
Alfie - you are one passionate Spainard (I hate your accent, haha),
BRADLEY GYNGELL... you are the luckiest person I've ever met in my life, visit me in NZ or else.
Tegan - good luck for your new job and let me know if you ever open a halloween makeup store - I'm sure Louise will be first in line.
Ana - te quiero mas de la vida
Pris! - You are wonderful, gorgeous and super sweet. Thankyou for struggling through linguistics with me :) I hope you have a safe trip home to wee kiwi!!!
Jaime - your hair is amazing, I will miss you and your salsa skills!!
Ethan - your hair is also amazing, as are your fort building skills!
Josh - I swear you're still doing a social experiment on us all - you're fab.
The Danes - thanks for the copious nights of entertainment and destruction.
JOE - You are the sexiest asian.
Ken Lee - You are one of the nicest people ever, I'm so glad to have met you!
To my non-floor mates -
Peppermint Patty - You are adorable, it is likely we will have to have a baywatch slow run and hug when we leave each other :(
Kelli - you are a goddess, enjoy your time in England - you will have the time of your life!!
Fatima! - Gracias por todo :) eres hermosa y guapisima y lo siento mi español es muy malo porque hay muchas palabras me gustaría decir a ti pero mi cabeza me duerme.
Kattieeee - I can't wait to see you over easter, it has been a blast getting to know you (and your baking skills!) you are truly an amazing person :)
Dani - you're hot. Smoooking. Enjoy second semester here!!
Sarah - I love you.
Alistair - All Blacks, All Blacks, All Blacks.. what? :P Have a safe trip home mate, keep in touch, you go all right.
Jordan - Just putting it out there, I probably will eventually marry you.
Nathan - See you back in Dunnaaaaaz in May. As long as you aren't forced to stay here out of your own free will...
To anyone I have missed - I'm SORRY. It is unintentional!! I will say goodbye in person :)
We will have to say goodbye to Time Out! |
So as you can tell, I love all of you from the very bottom of my heart.
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Lol. |
As I have already said, this has been the BEST experience of my life. From getting absolutely mortal in Miami to study sessions in the UL I can't think of a better group of people I'd rather spend six crazy months with in the land of the free. You all hold a special place in my heart and I will never forget my time in Chapel Hill for the rest of my life.
I'm a tar heel born, I'm a tar heel bred and when I die, I'm a tar heel dead.
So it's rah rah, carolina lina, rah rah, carolina lina, rah rah, carolina lina, GO TO HELL DUKE!
Good luck for all your futures, I look forward to seeing what you all achieve in life - I know you are all going to be something and someone amazing.
We only part to meet again.
Onto new adventures now.. next blog will likely be from Ireland!
Keep in touch, all of you!
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