Vermont was fantastic! I loved being able to see mountains and lakes - reminded me a bit of home! I stayed with my friend Marea who lives in Middlebury and goes to university there. The campus is beautiful! It only has 2000 students and is a very liberal and artsy campus.
Generally I spent the weekend just hanging out with Marea and getting to know her college life which was lots of fun. Vermont is very cold! I also got a language lesson from the taxi driver on the way out to the airport about the meaning of Vermont - apparently there is some famous guy that couldn't speak French properly so instead of saying "montagne-Verte" for green mountain, he said ver-mont. I guess it just stuck!
The day I arrived, we went to Ben and Jerry's which is this delicious icecream shop in the States! As it was Marea's room mate's birthday, the challenge was put forward that we eat an entire Vermonster.
Yes, this entire bucket is what four of us ate. Well, nearly ate it all. It was delicious for the most part, but I think I am put off Ben and Jerry's for a good while now. We rolled out of the store and headed for Middlebury, with Marea and I in a definite icecream coma for the majority of the trip!
Here are a few photos of the campus
This is called the Chateau. It is the French department building, I thought it was cute.
As you can see, the campus is very green and sparse. It was great to see another college town other than Chapel Hill and to compare the two.
OH MY GOD, I haven't told you about the FOOD! Amazing. AMAZING food! Everything is organic and they have real bread in their dining halls! Such a change from the Agora's sugar filled everything. We went to a talk from a farmer that is on the documentary Food Inc. and in Michael Pollan's the Omnivore's Delimma which are two texts I am studying for my American Studies class at UNC. He didn't really say anything new, except a lot of stuff to do with how young people don't know the difference between straw and hay and he brought up a lot of American politics at which point my mind was wandering to other things.
I have to board my plane now, hope ya'll had a great weekend!
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