“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Friday 11 November 2011

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing...

Apparently the middle of the night calls for blogging. I am currently waiting for my 4am taxi to the airport to see Marea in Vermont! So to kill time.. and not fall asleep.. I thought I would chuck in a wee blog entry :)

This week has been rather pointless as I have had copious amounts of schoolwork to do which I will not bore you the details of. However, it was Philly boy's 21st on Wednesday so we went out to dinner to a Mexican restaurant called Bandido's before going out to this bar called "the library" (great name) and Phil had his first taste of alcohol... just going to add in here that Phil is Irish. Because this is an unneccessary blog post which calls for unneccessary facts.

More facts! My favourite thing an American has told me so far...

"Oh New Zealand! My friend went there on a missionary trip to help ya'll out and bring peace to your country"

Um. Thanks mate. Pretty sure we're a rather peaceful bunch?

Classic. I love this country. But actually. I don't want to come home!

This trip to Vermont is my first time travelling ALONE in the States. Knicole and I make a great team when travelling, she leads me through airports and I hold her hand on the plane. I'm just hoping I don't get lost in the airports without her.. being in the northern hemisphere I still can't figure out which way is north, or probably up for that matter. You would think it's logistically simple, but alas my dear friends, my brain works in mysterious ways.

Anyhoo! Staying awake for this taxi is harder than staying awake in my phonology lecture..

I've booked my flights home - unfortunately. I wisssssh I had unlimited money and could keep travelling forever. I have met, as I have already said before, some of the most amazing people in the world and I couldn't be happier :)

Ok, before I get all sentimental on you (Alice I have also just written you a 21st birthday card, beware I am extremely tired and it gets rather excited and wistful in some parts) I shall leave it at this, you lot already think I'm weird enough!

Enjoy the sunshine - I'm headed north to winter! Joy. At least I am used to it! Oh and I'm home on February 1st. Mark it in your calendars!

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